
Community Quick Takes Provide Expert Perspectives on Timely Topics

Alexis Starosta - February 28, 2024

Each Community Quick Takes module aims to promote action, educate, and inspire deeper understanding of topics related to CGT clinical trials, treatment access, and safety.

Watch our current Community Quick Takes modules!

Informed Consent          CGT Highlights + Approvals in 2023

Scientifically accurate information about gene and cell therapies that is accessible and digestible to multiple audiences is necessary in this ever-growing field. Online webinars became the way to share educational content widely and freely while individuals navigated the pandemic. It quickly led to screen fatigue, and content that individuals would maybe catch up on once a recording was released. It is nice to dive into details of these ever-evolving topics in the field, and we learned that our Patient Education viewers want shorter, specific information in a question-and-answer format.  

By listening to our audience and leveraging the flexibility of the ASGCT Patient Outreach committee and staff, we adapted our efforts. The ASGCT Patient Education program will now be hosting quarterly educational sessions covering relevant topics in the gene and cell therapy field, called Community Quick Takes (CQT). Each CQT aims to promote action, educate, and inspire deeper understanding of topics related to CGT clinical trials, treatment access, and safety. These sessions will provide expert perspectives on timely topics and answer key questions in the space, focusing on what patient communities, industry groups, and clinicians want to know. This community-oriented approach is designed to be for the patient advocate audience, but often hits on important insights for researchers, clinicians, and other professionals in the field. Participants will gain valuable perspective on their role and better understand the pre- and post-approval processes 

The program kicked off in November covering the topic of informed consent. The first module explored what an individual should know prior to giving their consent and the role different stakeholders can play to improve this process. The 2024 series will start by featuring insights from pioneers in the field on gene and cell approvals over the last year. Speakers will highlight the first approved CRISPR therapeutic, its impact on patient communities, and its implications for future rare disease treatments. Other topics for the year will include exploring safety considerations with AAV vectors, and insights on the accessibility of approved treatments, particularly for the sickle cell disease community.  Each unit strives to connect individuals with resources for learning more about a topic without having to commit to lengthy sessions, or question what the key message is. 

Check out the November CQT module and let us know your thoughts on the new format! The next series was released at the end of February. If you need more resources, check out the ASGCT Clinical Trials Finder and our full site of gene and cell therapy patient education.  

Alexis Starosta is ASGCT's Patient Outreach Manager.

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