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June 11, 2021 Speakers takea candid approach to the challenges and best practices professionals face while communicating with various populations in various platforms. Our speakers cover journal writing from abstract to submission and non-journal writing, and ask questions to a panel of ASGCT editors. 🔒
October 16, 2023 This symposium revisits the top abstracts from past Annual Meetings with presentations that cover post-meeting research and findings. 🔒
January 26, 2022 Early career investigators share their experiences in transitioning to working for U.S.-based academic institutions. Attendees learn best practices around finding employment and hiring non-U.S. based PhD students and postdoctoral fellows to the U.S. 🔒
September 17, 2021 Interviews are not just straightforward conversations between people; they're actually important occasions for transmission of carefully crafted, key pieces of information. For the applicant, the interview is the one opportunity for in-person communication of skills, experiences, and behaviors that best suit them for the desired position. For the interviewer, it's the one opportunity to determine if the applicant would be a good fit with their research, scientific or industry organization.
This café teaches attendees the basics about how to prepare for an interview, navigate the interview conversation, and maximize their opportunity to achieve their desired industry position. 🔒
December 9, 2022 During this session, attendees learn how to create an "elevator pitch" for their theses. 🔒
August 13, 2021 This café focuses on strengthening writing for traditional government grants (NSF, NIH, CDC, etc.), as well as non-traditional grants. 🔒
March 11, 2022 This café is the first of a two-part series hosted by Andrew Steinsapir, a gene therapy program lead at Deerfield Discovery and Development. 🔒
February 10, 2023 Attendees hear from Jerry Doyle, of CommCore Consulting Group, who reviewes key presentation skills, like how to tailor a talk to different stakeholders,how to effectively get your message across, and more. 🔒
November 12, 2021 Attendees hear from ASGCT members who explain how they face the emotional challenges of the workplace and how to maintain a healthy work/life balance. 🔒
April 16, 2021 This seminar is divided into three mini sessions. Each mini session was created to help an early-career professional be more successful in an online setting. While most examples focused on strategies specific to the ASGCT online platform being used for our Annual Meeting, the information can be easily applied across other platforms and meetings. 🔒
October 14, 2022 Join Dr. Curtis Henry to learn the best strategies for managing a team by surrounding yourself with the right people. 🔒
August 12, 2022 Are you interested in starting your own gene or cell therapy company? Learn more about the process from our speakers. 🔒
April 8, 2022 Following a successful part one, this café brings attendees to the second part of this two-part series hosted by Andrew Steinsapir. 🔒
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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