Have you registered for #ASGCT2025? Secure your spot to join us in New Orleans or virtually at the for the premier event in gene and cell therapy.
ASGCT is committed to providing a productive and welcoming meeting environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of ideas while promoting equal opportunities and respectful treatment for all participants.
All participants in ASGCT meetings, including, but not limited to, meeting attendees, speakers, exhibitors, ASGCT staff, event venue staff, contractors, are expected to abide by this ASGCT Meeting Code of Conduct.
By attending an ASGCT meeting, in any virtual or physical manner, participants commit to:
ASGCT reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and proportionate in response to any contravention of these expectations. ASGCT reserves the right to take actions including, but not limited to, a verbal or written reprimand to the offending party; immediate removal from the meeting without warning or refund; or prohibition of attendance at any future meeting, virtually or in person.
Download the Code of Conduct
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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