2021 Archive

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2021 Archive

April: Success Strategies for a Virtual Meeting

During our inaugural seminar, attendees learned how to create a marketable poster, network in an online environment, and get the attention of hiring professionals. The on-demand session is available to ASGCT members.

June: Academic Writing Dos and Don'ts

Our speakers covered journal writing from abstract to submission and non-journal writing, and asked questions to a panel of ASGCT editors. ASGCT members: Watch the session on demand.

July: "How To" with AAV Vectors

During this seminar, speakers provided an introduction to gene therapy followed by a very structured approach to AAV vectors and considerable time for Q&A.

Aug.: Grant Writing

This café focused on strengthening writing for traditional government grants (NSF, NIH, CDC, etc.), as well as non-traditional grants.

Sept.: Finding Employment in Industry from Academia

During our September 17 café, attendees learned the basics about how to prepare for an interview, navigate the interview conversation, and maximize the opportunity to achieve a desired industry position.

Oct.: "How To" with Cas 9 and CRISPR

On Oct. 22, we welcomed Ben Kleinstiver, PhD, a biochemist and genome editor whose interests include translating technologies into molecular medicines.

Nov.: Staying Strong: You Are Not Alone

During this café on November 12, we'll hear from ASGCT members who will explain how they face the emotional challenges of the workplace. We'll also hear from experts with ideas on how to maintain a healthy work/life balance. 

Dec.: Critical CMC Issues for Gene and Cell Therapy Products

Our December 3 café begins with an introduction to Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) issues for gene and cell therapy products and will also help attendees understand the critical CMC development issues from a regulatory perspective.


28th ASGCT Annual Meeting

May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans

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