Community Lunch & Learns

Intro to Non-Viral Vectors

April 27, 2023 | 12:00 PM CT

There are different kinds of vectors, or delivery methods, used in gene and cell therapy to get working genetic material to a cell. This session will explore the use of non-viral vectors as a mechanism to deliver this material and give examples and reason for being used over traditional viral vectors. Experts will review the various types of non-viral vectors including integrase and transposon systems and delivery methods for them, as well as technical challenges and limitations to successful non-viral gene transfer.

Pre-Event Supplementary Material: Intro to Viral Vectors


12-12:05 PM

Moderator: Carmen Unzu, PhD, Principal Investigator, Center for Applied Medical Research

Intro to Non-Viral Vectors

12:05-12: 40 p.m.


  • Lauren Woodard, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, and Principal Investigator, Woodard Lab


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May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans

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