Have you registered for #ASGCT2025? Secure your spot to join us in New Orleans or virtually at the for the premier event in gene and cell therapy.
The ASGCT Catalyst Award recognizes an ASGCT member or team of professionals who have had an extraordinary impact on the translation of gene and cell therapies. The award is intended to highlight contributions in areas such as biomarker identification or endpoint development, manufacturing and scale-up, policy, or regulatory science, among others. Work in these areas are the advances that drive innovation and catalyze translation of cell and gene therapies to the clinic.
To be eligible, potential recipients must be nominated by two or more ASGCT members in good standing. Nomination letters must be 500 words or fewer. The Nominating and Awards Committee will review nominations and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors, which retains responsibility for selecting the recipient.
Nominate yourself or a colleague through September 16! Send nominations letters to awards@asgct.org.
The recipient(s) of the Catalyst Award will be announced in advance of the Annual Meeting. The recipient(s) will be recognized within a general session when they are presented with their award. Recipients will receive a plaque or trophy, complimentary registration, and an honorarium of $2,000.
2025 Anne-Virginie Eggiman
2024 Maritza McIntyre, PhD
2023 Joy Cavagnaro, PhD
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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