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September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month, so we're highling new resources on sickle cell disease.
In honor of Sickle Cell Awareness Month, ASGCT is highlighting its new resources focusing on gene therapy for sickle cell disease, which are now available on the new Patient Education site.
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that causes red blood cells to deform and become sickle (or crescent) shaped. These misshapen blood cells clump together and get stuck in blood vessels, blocking blood flow and depriving tissues and organs of oxygen-rich blood. Gene therapy and gene editing may offer a one-time treatment that addresses the genetic cause of sickle cell disease.
This is the third group of resources from ASGCT's Patient Education Program. During this round, we're releasing new pages, videos, and infographics on the Patient Education site. In the coming weeks, we'll highlight:
Let us know what you think of the new site and collection of resources by sending feedback to ASGCT Patient Outreach Manager Ali Kujawski.
Learn More About Sickle Cell Disease
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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