Have you registered for #ASGCT2025? Secure your spot to join us in New Orleans or virtually at the for the premier event in gene and cell therapy.
Sonal Gupta, MD, PhD talks with host Emily Walsh Martin, PhD, about the challenges of cell therapy clinical trials.
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Sonal Gupta, MD, PhD, SVP and Head of Clinical Development at Affyimmune Therapeutics talks with host Emily Walsh Martin, PhD, to explore the challenges of cell therapy clinical trials and how to move patients quickly and thoughtfully through the steps required to receive therapy in aggressive solid tumor cancers.
But first, "we’ve moved straight from pumpkin spice season into ASGCT Annual Meeting registration season," as Dr. Walsh Martin says. So hop online and join ASGCT, then register and take advantage of the incredible member discounts on Annual Meeting registration. We’ll see you in New Orleans, May 13-17, 2025!
Music by: https://www.steven-obrien.net/ -------------------------- Bright New Morning - Steven O'Brien
(Used for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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