Submit a late-breaking abstract through March 14! Send us your research that is high impact, groundbreaking, innovative, and newsworthy!
All ASGCT members, transitional members, and emeritus members are invited to vote for a candidate in each of the four elections for Vice President, Translational and Clinical Development Representative, and two At-Large Director openings.
As of March 10, the leadership ballot for the 2018 ASGCT election is now open for at for members to vote on. The ballot is also available in the Members Only section of the website after logging in. Voting will be open through April 10.
All ASGCT members and transitional members are invited to select one candidate in each of the following elections:
Full candidate position statements and CV information is available on the ballot.
Please note that only ASGCT Members and Transitional Members who have paid their 2018 membership dues are eligible to vote. You may renew your membership online via the ASGCT website. Once your membership is current, you will be able to vote immediately.
Thank you for your active interest in ASGCT and we look forward to seeing all of you in May for the 21st Annual Meeting!
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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