Have you registered for #ASGCT2025? Secure your spot to join us in New Orleans or virtually at the for the premier event in gene and cell therapy.
ASGCT's comprehensive review and selection process focuses and the quality and strength of each individual submission.
All abstracts are reviewed by a group of volunteer reviewers assigned to each category selected by the Secretary and Abstract Chair. Abstract reviewers consider several variables in rating the abstract for selection as an oral presentations. General considerations include the quality of the research and presentation, the strength of the results and methods, and whether the reported research significantly advances the field. The committees also reject any submissions that are clear advertisements of a product or service or show very little scientific merit.
For the Annual Meeting, each review committee is made up of 5-7 individuals from varying backgrounds who specialize in the category assigned. Upon review, they are able to put forward suggested abstracts for the Presidential Symposium and the Clinical Trials Symposium. These abstracts are then further reviewed by our Abstract Advisory Group, which is made up of the President, President-elect, Secretary, and a small group of reviewers of their choosing.
For our Annual Meeting, there will be a call for abstract reviewers in the fall in accordance with the abstract categories decided by the Abstract Advisory Group.
Our other events are reviewed by the Programming Committee, which is chosen by the President.
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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