Awards and Incentives

Certain ASGCT events, including the Annual Meeting, may have significant benefits for authors and presenters.

To become eligible for an ASGCT abstract award or incentive, you must be an ASGCT member. All monetary awards are also subject to the in-person appearance of the awardee at the corresponding event.

Each abstract submission form for events with awards will have the information included within the submission form.  No separate application is needed.

Associate Member, First Presenting Author Discounts

Our Associate Members (students and post-docs) who are First and Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will receive discounted registration for ASGCT events. The amount of the discount varies by event. Authors who are not the FIRST presenting author are not eligible for a discount.

ASGCT does not provide additional discounts for other membership types, industry, or non-members who are abstract presenters.

We encourage abstract presenters to register for the event as early as possible to take advantage of early bird pricing and book hotels within our hotel block. While acceptance is not guaranteed, we expect to accept the overwhelming majority of abstracts, rejecting only those that are deemed to be of low scientific value or overly commercial in nature. Please be sure to reference each event's registration cancellation policy should you need to withdraw, decline, or are not able to attend if your abstract is not accepted.

Outstanding Poster Presentation Awards

Our Outstanding Poster Presentation Award is available for every ASGCT event where abstracts are presented. Meeting attendees can vote for their favorite poster presentation onsite. The top posters with the most votes will be honored through notification to all meeting attendees, and the presenters will receive a special certificate for their contributions. All accepted abstract posters are automatically qualified for this award. The number of awards given is based on the size of the event and the votes received.

Annual Meeting Awards

The following awards are specific to our Annual Meeting. The number of awards given changes each year. Please see the Annual Meeting site for any specifics.

Excellence In Research Awards

The top abstracts submitted by students and fellows who are Associate Members will receive an Excellence in Research Award determined by the ASGCT Secretary and Abstract Chair. Recipients will be announced at the end of the George Stamatoyannopoulos plenary lecture and will receive a $1,000 monetary award along with a special plaque.

Mavis Agbandje-McKenna Scholarship and Fund

In 2022, ASGCT introduced the Mavis Agbandje-McKenna Scholarship and Fund to honor the scholar's dedication to scientific excellence, love for mentoring others, and unending willingness to collaborate.

The permanent scholarship seeks to continue Dr. Agbandje-McKenna's legacy through ASGCT. It focuses on identifying early-career researchers who are also members of underrepresented populations in science and provides the financial resources necessary to eliminate all barriers to participating in ASGCT.

The top-scoring abstract from underrepresented populations submitted will be the recipient, who will be announced at the end of the George Stamatoyannopoulos plenary lecture. The recipient will receive a monetary award of $5,000 along with a special plaque.

Meritorious Abstract Travel Awards

ASGCT supports the travel of top-scoring Associate Members each year through the Meritorious Abstract Travel Award Program. Awards are granted based on the high review scores given by the Abstract Review Committees. Recipients will receive a certificate and a $750 stipend.

Recipients of the Excellence in Research Award or the Mavis Agbandje-McKenna Scholarship are not eligible for the Meritorious Abstract Travel Award in the same year.

Underrepresented Population Travel Awards

In addition to the Meritorious Abstract Travel Awards, ASGCT will offer a limited number of Underrepresented Population Travel Awards to Associate Members who did not receive a Meritorious Abstract Travel Award. Eligible candidates must be US residents and from a group underrepresented in the scientific workforce as defined by the NIH. Recipients will receive a certificate and a $750 stipend.

Recipients of the Excellence in Research Award or the Mavis Agbandje-McKenna Scholarship are not eligible for the Underrepresented Population Travel Award in the same year.


28th ASGCT Annual Meeting

May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans

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