Feb. 20: Last day to receive early registration rates for #ASGCT2025! Lock in your spot to join us in New Orleans!
If you're not a member yet, join today to get the remainder of 2023 for free.
Whether you’re a thinking about becoming a member or you've supported the Society from the start, we want to remind you of a few reasons why you should join ASGCT or renew your membership for the next year.
Contribute to a growing community. ASGCT is the largest association involved in genetic and cellular therapies and continues to grow every year. Our multidisciplinary group is now up to more than 6,000 members. That means when you renew, you’ll maintain access to our membership directory that comprises a unique mix of individuals in academia, industry, government, advocacy, and more. You can also collaborate with fellow members by joining a standing or scientific committee, volunteering to review posters or abstracts, or networking at one of our events.
Advance your career and showcase your research. Want to sharpen your professional skills to move forward in your career? Take advantage of:
A free subscription to the field-leading Molecular Therapy, where you can publish your research at a discount
More than $1 million in member-exclusive, annual awards that recognize excellent research, assist with career development, help promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field, and more
The paid ASGCT-AAAS Congressional Policy Fellowship in Washington, D.C.
Attend an event or watch one on demand. We have more events than we’ve ever had before. Our Annual Meeting remains the premier place to be for the latest scientific updates and the largest gathering of members at all stages of their careers—from students to Nobel laureates like Drew Weissman, MD, PhD, and Jennifer Doudna, PhD. Members can also:
Save on registration for events including the research-focused and committee-created ASGCT Insights symposia, the Policy Summit, the Annual Meeting, and more throughout the year
Access on-demand events like Professional Development Cafés primarily for early-career scientists, and Annual Meeting archives, in addition to the events above
If you're ready to renew, the easiest way to do so is automatically. Last year we began offering an auto-renewal option so members can keep a cleaner email inbox while maintaining access to all the benefits above. Auto-renew to receive fewer messages from us so you can continue enjoying your membership with no interruption.
Renew Your Membership
Not a member yet? Become one today to get the remainder of 2023 for FREE.
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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