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The Clinical Trials Finder now includes data from global gene and cell therapy clinical trials.
ASGCT released a new Clinical Trials Finder platform this week with enhanced functionality and expanded data, including information about global clinical trials.
In line with the Society’s strategic priority to foster global outreach, the database now includes all global gene and cell therapy clinical trials in addition to trials in the U.S. Other key changes include improved navigation, the ability to search by trial sponsor, and the addition of contact information for trial sites. The finder features interactive search capabilities to locate all active and recruiting gene and cell therapy trials by filters such as diagnosis, country, phase, and modality type. This comprehensive database now contains more than 1,336 trials and is updated daily.
The Clinical Trials Finder hones information from to meet criteria defined by a working group of ASGCT members. The group was also able to determine if false positives were valid in the realm of gene and cell therapies, such as antisense oligonucleotides being included in the database. The finder features interventional trials to assist patients and their families in identifying potential investigational treatments. Please contact ASGCT Patient Outreach Manager Ali Kujawski with questions or feedback on how the finder is meeting user needs.
May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans
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