In-Person Attendance Guide

Here's what you need to know if you plan to attend IOVC in person.

In addition to in-person registration, all on-site IOVC attendees will have full live access to the virtual platform and 30-day on-demand access to all IOVC content.

Providing Proof of Vaccination

All in-person attendees at the IOVC must be vaccinated and able to provide proof of vaccination. In order to enter the conference, in-person attendees must have the ability to download the CLEAR app on a smartphone or tablet to prove their vaccination record is valid. NOTE: Not all providers and geographic regions are supported in the CLEAR app. If your vaccination record is unable to be uploaded into the app, please bring your proof of vaccination to IOVC.

Learn How to Use the CLEAR App

Please Report Any Symptoms Developed On-Site

If you're attending the 2021 IOVC in person and develop symptoms of COVID-19 during or after the event, please refrain from attending and email to let us know as soon as possible. You can find a COVID-19 testing site here.

Read Our Health and Safety Information


All in-person attendees are required to wear masks. ASGCT is following CDC recommendations that fully vaccinated people wear masks in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission, which includes Sedona, AZ. The city of Sedona also requires all people inside any city building to wear a mask.

Hotel Safety

The Hilton Sedona Resort at Bell Rock is taking part in the Sedona | Safe.Clean.Ready initiative, a CDC-guided list of safety standards and state health department business guidelines to keep guests and local workers safe.

Physical Distancing

The in-person portion of IOVC will include substantial physical spacing between attendees to encourage proper physical distancing. Please refrain from handshakes, hugs, or high-fives.


Free Wi-Fi will be provided at the resort. No password is required.

Food and Beverage

Food and beverage service will be provided in a minimal contact manner (i.e. individually packaged food and wait staff distributing items when necessary).


28th ASGCT Annual Meeting

May 13-17, 2025 | New Orleans

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